
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

VS Day Five:

Current weight: 119.2 lbs
I've researched and been told that you're supposed to weigh yourself in the morning right after waking up before eating anything because that's your true weight. So since it's the fifth day I've decided to check up on my weight. From now on every 5 days I'll do a weigh in. I've lost 1.6 lbs already! Great way to start off the morning! After I documented my weight I researched online to see what a healthy weight for me was and I have to say I was a little shocked! For my height and the fact that I'm a female, my healthy wight range is from 101-136. I started off somewhere in the middle, but 101 seems so little! I think my target weight goal is about 110 lbs. That seems to be a healthy weight for me and since I haven't grown since high school and that was about my weight then, I think it should be fine.
Okay on to breakfast! This morning for breakfast I had an organic almond cluster cereal with soy milk, a banana, and a hot cup of lemon water. I can tell that smaller portions are starting to fill me up because my stomach is shrinking, which is a good thing! One of America's problems is our portion control. Go to Europe and look at their portions. I personally have been a few times and they are ⅓ of the size of America portions. The reason Europeans are thinner and more in shape than Americans is because they for one eat healthier. They also exercise more and eat smaller portions. It's amazing how much you realize about your old habits when you change and create new ones. You only have one body so treat it kindly!
My snack today was carrots and tomato basil hummus, yum! And after I worked out for about an hour and then for lunch made myself a fruit bowl. All it is is one banana, ¼ cup soy milk, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen blueberries, and about ½ cup frozen strawberries in a blender. It should be the consistency of frozen yogurt. Then top it with organic granola, fresh sliced banana, and a mixture of honey and agave nectar. It's sweet and keeps you full for a long time!

Fruit Bowl

My inner chef came out tonight and for dinner I decided to make a lemon herb chicken with potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. For the side dish steamed broccoli and asparagus. And of course another hot cup of peppermint green tea with lemon and honey.

Lemon Herb Chicken with Veggies

I'm really proud of myself today! I feel like I'm really getting into the swing of things and everything is becoming more of a habit. So far everything is great!

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